Dr. Landrith will show you how to get out of your own way so you can create the life you want, discovering unhealthy thought patterns you may not even know exist. He can help you clear out PTSD and Trauma in just a few sessions as well as other unconscious blocks that keep you stuck without your knowledge. He will guide you into the LOVE FLOW by showing you simple techniques you can use for the rest of your life. He even manifests together with his clients to help them attract more abundance and love. Believe it or not, it works!
“I can attest that Dr Landrith is one of the best psychologists that I have ever encountered. I had the pleasure to attend both private sessions and his amazing workshop on Manifesting Your Dreams and both were life transforming. Also the incredible reviews he received at the Health and Wellness Center at Maine General echoed these conclusions”
~Peter Alfond; Board of Directors; Health & Wellness Center, Maine General Hospital
Some of the tools he includes in his customized sessions:
- Simple and easy love-based meditations,
- Subconscious inner child work,
- 5 types of tapping including Quantum EFT,
- HeartMath,
- Ho’oponopono,
- Pre-natal imprinting (for trauma) and more.
Many of us are aware that we keep making the same mistakes over and over again. However, most people are not aware of how their childhood experiences affect their brain matrix and create barriers to our success and healing. These subconscious blocks include: trauma (including from the womb), critical parents etc., prematurely born baby, adopted children, being left crying in the crib, lack of love (kisses and hugs), bullying, PTSD, doubts about ourselves, and more. Dr Landrith will help you clear out these old blocks and imprint new positive pathways into your brain.
Dr. Landrith will teach you how to get into a “Runner’s High” in ten minutes, so you can increase endorphins and get into the “zone” for peak performance. When you are in the “zone” you can do many things, find the person of your dreams, make that big sale, give the presentation that knocks everyone off their feet, connect with your audience when you’re on stage, or land that job interview. He will help you retrain your brain and get rid of any and all limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that keep you from living a blissful life. It’s time to recharge and take charge of your happiness by learning how to 'Tap Into Bliss'.

Dr. Landrith helped his clients;
~ Attract their soulmate
~ Live life without PTSD including trauma that we don't remember
~ Overcome fear
~ Find new jobs and overcome interview anxiety
~ Live life fully without being stuck
~ Release anxiety
~ Get rid of Depression and feel renewed
~ Discover new careers
~ Create abundance by learning to get out of the way
~ Gain confidence and empowerment
~ Increase sales by giving instead of wanting
~ Enhance artistic and athletic performance
~ Fall asleep and stay asleep
~ Decrease Pain
~ Reframe traumatic experiences into positive growth
~ Replacing life damaging addictions into blissful healthy living
~ Transform Performance anxiety into empowerment
~ Feeling confidence about meeting people
~ Live your life without being stuck in procrastination
You Deserve to Live a Happy Life
Dr. Landrith will help you heal childhood wounds and teach you techniques to become trigger-free so you can release those consuming personal blocks. He will help you identify and reframe negative thought patterns that may be stopping you from living your best life. Learn to transform your old negative “scripts” into positive ones. He will assist you in removing the triggers that set you off into a negative downward spiral and help you let go of the past. Especially curing the addictions that were medicating you in unhealthy ways. Through his expertise and unique way of using a combination of key techniques, such as EFT, The Love Flow, Ho’ oponono, Heart Math, and very specific Inner Child Work, you will be on your way to transforming your thoughts and your life. This is your opportunity to find and heal the core issues that are ultimately getting in the way of your happiness.