These are the 3 Seminars we offer on Zoom and Live In Person.
Please click on the event for a more detailed descriptions of the Workshop.


Work with Dr. Landrith as he effortlessly guides you into a higher state of consciousness by using his signature key techniques. Over the past three decades over 65,000 have personally attended this seminar live. This flagship seminar helps you connect with the same force that created the entire universe. However, to tap into this force, you must learn how to release the subconscious blocks that hold you back. In this class you will be taught these tools so you can create a life full of abundance and love;

  • 5 different types of EFT/Tapping

  • A heart-based love meditation (Very easy to do)

  • Inner Child Work to access your subconscious

  • How to get into the Zone in just 10 minutes for Peak Performance.

A man is standing in front of a glowing energy field.
A man is holding his phone and smoking


Research has found that over 40% of all adults suffer from life-challenging emotions such as depression, anxiety, worry, and stress that stem from early childhood. Many did not get the love they needed and the traumas they experienced as a child contribute to the negative emotions that show up in their adult years.

65 published studies have found that EFT is 43% more effective than traditional treatments at reducing these problems. You will learn the tools necessary to help you keep from overreacting to stress so you can live a life full of bliss. Dr. Landrith guides you through a process of recovery to calm the brain and the nervous system by using his signature modalities;

  • Love Flow meditation

  • Inner child work to create new brain pathways.

  • Signature tapping methods that increase the feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain such as endorphins…


You can be on a great diet and STILL GAIN WEIGHT if your cortisol is stimulated by worry and stress. Stress hormones cause weight gain by increasing insulin, blood sugar and cravings. Nationwide stats show that over 46% of us are overweight and almost 30% overeat to manage stress, worry, depression and loneliness. Unfortunately, overeating creates more stress when we gain weight. Therefore, the biggest barrier to weight loss is STRESS itself. The trick to losing weight then is to dump the stress and then diets will work.

  • 25 studies on EFT/tapping found significant reductions in weight loss.

  • EFT dramatically reduced cortisol and stress hormones by over 43% with just a one treatment

  • Weight loss continued for over a year after the studies were completed.

Most people gain their weight back after a weight loss program is over. This is why learning the lifetime tools Dr. Landrith teaches is crucial to becoming the person you always wanted to be. After you incorporate these tools, you will no longer need to overeat to feel good and your diet will finally work.

A woman is standing on the scale and smiling.