A man standing on the stage of an auditorium


By Releasing Subconscious Blocks

Offered on Zoom only


Psychologist, Speaker, Quantum Therapist, and Tapping Guru

Embark on a weekly journey of healing, manifestation and higher states of consciousness. Learn

tools and techniques that will make your life easier. Come regenerate and reset with Dr.

Landrith on Zoom.

Daily Quantum tapping sessions occur twice weekly in a Zoom group setting. With a monthly

membership fee of only $30.00, participants can engage in these sessions twice a week, totaling

eight times per month. Attend as often as you wish; your participation is welcomed and

encouraged. Sessions vary and will include individual healings.

"Thank you for speaking here at the Law of Attraction Conference! Your evaluations were very high, and they especially appreciated that you shared tools with them to help them expand their consciousness.”

~ Kristie Holmes of the Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E).

Expanding your consciousness in a group activates the fundamental creative forces of the whole universe Programs That Are Running Your Life

When we come together in a group to meditate, manifest, and share energy techniques, magical things happen. Also, witnessing others achievements helps create a mindset that we too can accomplish better results.

A blue pixel art drawing of a head with an idea in the middle.

Sharing frequencies, expands our individual consciousnesses so we are more connected with Source

Dr Landrith’s published research proved the power of the group effect, by showing that groups of people meditating lowered the crime rates in the city they lived in. In addition, even auto accidents and even suicides were significantly reduced. This proved it was not just an aberration, in other words, our inner consciousness is connected to the same force that created the outside world.


By joining the weekly zoom meetings you will be building a like minded community and helping create a new collective consciousness for the world. You’ll also have a chance to be worked on Individually and as a group. Dr. Landrith will use half The session time to work with the group as a whole and the half he will be working on individuals.

dude in matrix
A woman sitting on the beach in front of the ocean.


Dr. Landrith’s research on group meditation back in 1984, which was cited in the movie “What The Bleep,” proved that one's thoughts can create and change the world around them. The group that meditated together literally reduced the crime rate in Washington DC by over 23%.